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 Converting AspRunner Project to AspRunner.NET

9/21/2018 11:38:41 AM
ASPRunner.NET General questions
plunkchr author

Do Xlinesoft have a procedure for converting AspRunner Projects to AspRunner.NET?
If not, has anyone been able to convert Converting AspRunner Projects to AspRunner.NET ?

If yes, any advice would be most welcome.
(i searched the forumns and internet and could not find any useable info)
Many thanks

Sergey Kornilov 9/21/2018

This can be done. Create a copy of project folder. Rename .aspr file to .netr. Open it in ASPRunner.NET and re-write all server side event code from ASP to C#. Javascript events can stay as is.
Normally yo can just build the project after opening and on compile/build step it will point you to events that need to be re-written.

plunkchr author 10/2/2018

This can be done. Create a copy of project folder. Rename .aspr file to .netr. Open it in ASPRunner.NET and re-write all server side event code from ASP to C#. Javascript events can stay as is.
Normally yo can just build the project after opening and on compile/build step it will point you to events that need to be re-written.

Many thanks for reply.

I had tried this and other options previously, but no success.

(e.g. on opening ASP project in .NET, the project would either go half way and just bomb out, or, would take forever to load and never seem to finish.
As my ASP projects were a few versions old, I tried another approach (hence my delaying in replying);

-I downloaded trial versions of ASP up to latest version.

-upgraded ASP projects from one version to another until I go to latest (slow.. proces but had to try..)

-When at lastest ASP project, renamed project to NETR and tried to load again in .NET
-This time the project completed loading. Got some errors but these may be my own code issues.

So mostly success and looks like renaming an ###uptodate version### of an ASP project with little modified ASP project may work.
Tks again